Current Situation and Countermeasures of Urban Community Environmental Education Based on KAP Theory

Our planet is facing severe environmental problems such as increasing scarcity of resources, pollution, and loss of biodiversity. Environmental education is an effective way to promote the mainstreaming and sustainability of environmental protection. Community environmental education is an important type of environmental education, which relies on informal educational institutions at the community level and is closely integrated with the daily lives of learners. It can cultivate learners’ good environmental literacy and sustainable lifestyles, and has the characteristics of full life cycle education. It has a wide audience and wide dissemination, and can make up for the lack of environmental education for adults in the basic education stage. Community environmental education in China has been carried out for more than 30 years and has achieved certain results. However, there are also problems such as a lack of teachers, a mere formality, monotonous format, poor content, lack of coherence and the linkage of various sectors of society. On the basis of analyzing the connotation, importance, and current situation of community environmental education, this article elaborates on the countermeasures to solve the current problems of community environmental education from the perspective of the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice theory (KAP), in order to provide reference opinions for improving the effectiveness of community environmental education.

Keywords: Community, Environmental Issues, Environmental Literacy, Community Environmental Education