Analysis of Guidance and Counsellor Supervision: Implementation, Constraints, and Solutions

The current issue is the suboptimal implementation of supervision for guidance counselors, impacting their professionalism in carrying out service tasks at school. Therefore, a model, tool, or instrument for supervising guidance counselor with a comprehensive guidance and counseling approach is needed. The objective of this research is to analyze the implementation of supervision for guidance counselor in schools and to identify the obstacles along with possible solutions. This study employs a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. The collected data is presented in descriptive form. Purposive sampling is used as the sampling technique, involving four school principals and nine guidance and counsellors as research subjects. Data collection methods include interviews and document studies, with a questionnaire used as the data collection instrument. The data analysis technique employed in this research is qualitative descriptive.

Index Term- Supervision, Guidance Counsellor