Exploring the Impact of Consumer Psychology on the Sales Performance of Community Pharmacies in Mauritius: A Marketing Strategy Perspective

An understanding of consumer psychology and behavior is paramount for effective marketing strategies in the pharmaceutical context. While there is a wealth of research conducted in various global settings, the application of these insights to community pharmacies in Mauritius remains underexplored. By addressing this gap, community pharmacies in Mauritius can better serve their local population and contribute to improved healthcare outcomes. Further research in this area is essential to develop tailored marketing strategies and interventions that align with the unique sociocultural context of Mauritius. The methodology employed in this survey involved the collection and analysis of data from a sample of 428 individuals to gain insights into various aspects of their pharmacy-related preferences and behaviors. Moreover, the study’s unique focus on the Mauritian context ensures the pertinence of its findings to local stakeholders, including pharmacy owners, practitioners, policymakers, and consumers.

Keywords: Consumer Psychology, Sales Performance, Pharmacies, Mauritius, Marketing Strategy