This research aims to provide an overview of the factors that cause dissociative trance in lengger viewers, the experiences felt when trance occurs and the impacts felt after being possessed both physically and psychologically. The main questions to be answered in this research are the factors causing dissociative trance in lengger audiences, the conditions and experiences felt by lengger dance audiences while experiencing dissociative trance, and the impact felt by lengger audiences who experience dissociative trance both physically and psychologically.

This research uses a qualitative method with a case study approach, data sources were obtained from subjects who were lengger dance audiences who had experienced dissociative trance, as well as documents related to the research theme. Data collection methods use interviews, observation and documentation. The research subjects were lengger dance audiences who had experienced a dissociative trance. Data analysis was carried out using the Moustakas data analysis technique. Testing the validity of the data was carried out with diligent source triangulation techniques.

The results show that the factors causing dissociative trance in lengger dance audiences include the subject having a lot of disturbing problems, an unstable emotional state, carelessness, and enjoying the spectacle too much. During a dissociative trance, the subject feels like he has lost consciousness either partially or completely. The impact experienced by Lengger viewers who were in a dissociative trance was physically in the form of dizziness, the whole body feeling sore, sick, tired, sore throat, hoarse voice, and gasping for breath. Meanwhile, psychologically, the subject feels worried, anxious, embarrassed, afraid and feels more relieved because he can release all the emotional burdens that were previously buried.

Keywords: Phenomenon, dissociative trance, audience, lengger dance