Socially Responsible Leadership: A Drive to Uganda’s Institutions of Higher Learning Performance.

The relationship between socially responsible leadership, the key driver of corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices, and organizational performance is a salient issue in the global context for both CSR scholars and practitioners. The purpose of this paper is to provide insights into the interplay of responsible leadership, CSR practices, and organizational outcomes. It analyses 241 staff’s behaviors and their performance in institutions of higher learning in Uganda. It thereby enriches understanding of how leaders’ socially responsible decisions impact upon CSR engagement and institution’s performance. The results found out that socially responsible leaders are positively related with organizational performance. The aspects of morality, social responsibility, and capability aspects of responsible leadership are closely related to CSR. Our research has clear limitations.  First, most selected institutions are renowned large institutions of higher learning. Private and Foreign-owned institutions of higher learning are excluded. Based on the data analysis, this study  provides in-depth discussion of  CSR situation in Uganda and its relationship with organization performance, which is one of the first studies to examine responsible leadership in Ugandan context and investigate the relationship between responsible leadership and organizational performance.

Keywords: Corporate social responsibility, Socially Responsible leadership, Morality, Organizational performance, Institutions of Higher Learning, Uganda