This study sought to understand the behavioral, cognitive, and emotional attitudes of SMP Negeri 4 Pancarijang students about studying English. It also looked into whether the students’ sentiments toward the English language varied significantly depending on their gender and other demographic characteristics. The findings demonstrated that 68% of the 17 students who participated in the presentation fell into the less-than-satisfactory category when it came to the behavioral characteristics of students learning English as a foreign language. The presenting results of 28% of 7 students in the less good category provided a reaction to the research findings on students’ cognitive elements of learning English as a foreign language. The presentation results showed that 64% of 16 students fell into the less-than-stellar group in response to the research on the emotional components of students learning English as a foreign language. In contrast, the presentation results for the distinctions between male and female students studying English as a foreign language were 4% for 1 student in the very good group, 60% for 15 students in the good category, and 36% for 9 students in the average category. Students are still having difficulties learning English as a foreign language in the classroom where there are three aspects, namely conduct, cognitive, and emotional aspects, as evidenced by the outcomes of their responses.

Keywords: EFL learner, Attitude, Language learning, Gender.