Mutation in education. An explanatory study of students’ performance and satisfaction with face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning.

In the past decade, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic, many students experienced multiple means of learning: traditional face-to-face, hybrid, and online learning in its two forms live and asynchronous. The purpose of this research is to investigate whether Graceland University students enrolled between 2020 and 2022 were better satisfied and more motivated by engaging in face-to-face (FTF), hybrid (HYB), or online learning (ONL). 117 students answered our survey and multiple regressions were used to test our hypotheses. We were able to validate two out of four hypotheses, satisfied students will perform better and students’ overall satisfaction with the course and the instructor is higher in a face-to-face mode of teaching.

Keywords:  Education, learning, learners’ satisfaction, performance.