Determinants of the incentive for the pricing of the sustainable household waste management service in Ouagadougou

The phenomenon of environmental management in urban areas is an ever-growing concern for public authorities. Abundant literature has been provided for this purpose to sustainably control waste management. Most of these studies have focused primarily on the prerogatives of municipalities. This article empirically tests the phenomenon carried by the first beneficiaries of a healthy environment using data collected from 250 rich and poor households in the city of Ouagadougou. To achieve this, the methodological approach uses Probit-type modeling. The data show that the majority (74%) of households have a positive response to the incentive to participate in pricing for the sanitation of their living environment with regard to the two categories of households. This result corroborates the thesis according to which the involvement of households in the elaboration of development policies allows a better response of actions, the corollary of which is an increase in household savings and production and the creation of a network of collection and the need for everyone to join it based on pricing that takes into account the standard of living of each social group.

Keywords: Waste, Sustainable management, Ouagadougou, Price, pricing system.