Contribution of social safety nets to the improvement of household living conditions in the province of Zondoma

The aim of this research was to measure the contribution of the social safety net project to the improvement of household living conditions and the development of early childhood in the province of Zondoma from 2015 to 2019. The methodological approach used is is based on field surveys with a dynamic and interactive approach that involved beneficiaries, resource persons and project managers. The results show that the Social Safety Nets project has positive effects on the economic and social level within the beneficiary community and more particularly on the beneficiary families, despite some difficulties observed in its implementation. For better consideration of early childhood in Burkinabe households with a view to breaking the intergenerational transmission of poverty, advocacy should be developed to increase funding for social protection, in order to reach all poor and vulnerable households; set up a unified social register highlighting poor and vulnerables households with young children; coordinate the different approaches to social protection; strengthen support for beneficiaries despite degraded security conditions; and sustain the achievements through the provision of community relays after the closure of the project.

Keywords: Social safety nets, poverty, early childhood, social protection, cash transfers