Deforestation and its Impacts on the Population in Uganda

Purpose: To examine deforestation and its impacts on the population in Uganda with a view to making recommendations.

Methodology: The study adopted documentary review as a method of data collection technique in which data is gathered from reports from different sources, journals, magazines, newspapers, institutional archives, reports, and articles that have data linked to the research being undertaken (Creswell, 2014). A documentary review checklist was employed to solicit data related to an examination of the effects of low pay in different offices of Forestry in districts in Uganda. This method was preferred by the researcher over other methods because was able to gain permission to access information from different land departments at the district’s lands headquarters archives. In addition, document analysis takes out the personal aspect of the researcher’s effect on an individual during an interview.

Findings: Deforestation is caused by the cutting of forests for cattle grazing, Industrial establishment where forests are cut down to provide land for industrial, Population Increase high demand for land for settlement, Mining, and Commercial agriculture, such as mangoes, oranges, and apples, destroys the availability of forest, Corrupt tendencies by forestry departments at the districts headquarters, looking for Charcoal, and firewood. This negatively impacts the population because of flooding which washes away houses and agriculture thus limiting human survival of the right to life which is against the international human rights declaration of 1948. Deforestation eliminates a great number of species of plants and animals which also often increases diseases which are forest-associated diseases including malaria, and sleeping sickness. Conclusively deforestation is no longer a national issue (Uganda) but a global enemy of limiting human life which is against the declaration of human rights, infectious diseases affecting humans, such as the SARS-CoV2 virus that caused the current COVID-19 pandemic, and is linked to habitat loss due to forest area change and the expansion of human populations into forest areas, which both increase human exposure to wildlife.

Keywords: Impacts, Deforestation, and population