Analysis of the School Literacy Movement in Growing Interest in Reading for High School Students

Literacy in our country is very worrying that Indonesia is in 60th position out of 61 countries assessed. This means that Indonesia is the second worst country in terms of reading and literacy behavior, one level below Thailand and above Botswana. This study aims to analyze the school literacy movement towards reading interest at Budi Mulia High School, Karawang Regency, West Java. So as to get data and provide an overview for schools that have not implemented the school literacy movement, besides that it also becomes input for the program to be repaired, continued or stopped. The research was conducted at Budi Mulia High School, Karawang Regency, using a descriptive qualitative research method with a case study approach and the research subjects were educators and school education. The results of the study found that the Budi Mulia High School Literacy Movement Program (GLS) was proven to be able to foster students’ love of reading. This program needs the support of various parties, such as teachers, school principals, school supervisors, local government and central government.

Keywords: School Literacy Movement, Interest, Reading.