A New Exploration of Dunhuang City Image Based on GIS

Dunhuang City is a shining pearl on the Silk Road, with the mission and value of historical and cultural preservation and inheritance, and it contributes to the development of modern tourism and the economy. Thus, this study uses GIS as a methodology, including spatial analysis, accessibility scores, and hot spot analysis. Combining Kevin Lynch’s “City Image” perspective, it conducts a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the overall spatial distribution characteristics of existing image nodes in Dunhuang. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) The distribution of image nodes in Dunhuang is generally relatively scattered, showing a central periphery distribution feature. The closer to the main urban area, the denser the distribution of scenic spots. (2) The average travel time to scenic spots in Dunhuang is between 0.641 and 2.451 hours, with an average value of 1.055 hours. The accessibility coefficient is extremely poor at 1.543, and the distribution of accessibility in scenic spots is uneven.

KEYWORDAccessibility, City Image, Spatial Analysis, Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW), Dunhuang City