An Examinations of the various Leadership Skills that enhances Construction Managers` Performance in Anambra State.

Leadership skills is the most important and essential factor in good construction project management, it is very important as it improves managerial capacity, inspires teams, achieves outstanding results, transforms organizations, enhances value creation, creates efficiencies, and develops the requisite employee engagement motivation to deliver better results. The study aim to examine the various leadership skills that enhances Construction Managers` Performance in Anambra State. To achieve this, the study examine the need for Leadership in the Construction Industry and examine leadership Skills as Motivational Strategies for Enhancing Construction Manager’s performance. The study adopted descriptive survey design by distributing 60 well-structured questionnaires. The 40 retrieved and analyzed responses shows that leadership skills like Planning for the required Result(4.475), Big Thinking, Being Plan Driven and Visionaries(4.4), Focusing on Processes(4.275), Team Building skills i.e. Motivational, inspiring Teams Skills(4.2), Risk-Taking/Communicating Skills, Listening, and influencing Skills(4.075), Not whining or Blaming but Problem Solving and Opportunists(4.025), Consistency in Confidence(4.0), Flexibility/Not Accepting Failure(3.975) and Setting Objectives(3.925). Also in the result, Table 4.1.2, revealed that the least leadership skills and motivational strategies were: Controlling Group Performance and Planning Skills(3.8), Building Effective Relationships(3.775), Seeking and obtaining accord from Participants(3.725), Gaining information and Sharing knowledge(3.7), Decision Making/ Mentoring Skills and Building Bonds/prioritization and strategic planning (3.625), Interpersonal Skills, Problem Solving and Networking Skills(3.55) and Negotiation Skills and Managing Conflict(3.425). The study recommends that the examined leadership skills metrics be used by construction stakeholders and used as a motivational tool for construction managers in Anambra State to increase productivity and retention of construction employees.

Keywords: Leadership skills, Motivational Tool, Productivity, construction managers, project delivery