The Biophysical Modeling of the Psychological Balance

In our paper we write about the some directions in stress research and the stress syndromes in clinical medicine. During the harmonic life gradually all human psycho-organic components shall get exhausted. Forming a biophysical model is not the task of the biologist or physicist alone, a good model can successfully constructed only by common, collective-work. To have respect for the cultural tradition, to keep customs and rites facilitates the process of the mourning being a diverting scheme. A state similar to the mourning reaction occurs on the course of stress condition due to losing parts of the body. After an accident or as the consequence of a disease surgeons often have to amputate. This is typically the task of the biophysicist and a problem which falls within the competence of this discipline. Model is always an approximation, the user of the model has to take into consideration that he can approach only the absolute truth just through the endless series of relative truths.

Key words: stress, psychical organization, biophysical modeling