Carrière des femmes enseignantes et leur progression en grade supérieur au sein des universités congolaises.  Une étude appliquée aux établissements de l’enseignement supérieur et universitaire de la ville de Bukavu

In Africa, as in the Democratic Republic of Congo, more precisely in Bukavu, higher education and university institutions in the public sector are diversifying the categories of staff (women and men) to enable them to work together.  However, it is observed that career progression is not the same as men progress better than women.  Women are much more likely to be underemployed, part-time, much less likely to be ‘managers and professionals’, and considerably underpaid for the same degree.  The study raises the individual, social, organisational and sometimes psychological barriers that women teachers face in advancing their careers.

Keywords: Career, women, progression, promotion, obstacles, working conditions.