The Abolition of Blackbirding, Indenture Slavery, and Sex Trafficking in the Indian and Pacific Areas: Globally Within Sub Regional, Regional, and International Systems.

Our intention in this Article goes along way to express, bring out and explain the coercion of people through deception or kidnapping to work as slaves or poorly paid labourers in countries as far from their native and original land in the Pacific and Indian Ocean Periferum.Those who were greatly involved in this booming business activity at the time were the owners,captains and crews of the ships involved in the acquiring and acquisition of these labourers who were termed Blackbirders.Example of Blackbirding outside the South Pacific includes the Early days of the pearling industry in Western Australia at Nichol Bay,America,Broome, and India not leaving out the Aboriginal Austrialians were blackbirded from the surrounding areas.This has pave a way for campaign against this illicit form of enslavement at the level of Sub regional,Regional and International level, following laws,conventions,and several others.

To accomplished the goal,some articles,books and internet materials were of important as it helped nourish the work giving the way forward to obtain some glaring results; the abolition of Blackbirding,Blackbirded, not leaving out the reasons and consequences of the Abolition.

Keywords: intension, deception,slaves, business, Blackbirders, Blackbirding,South Pacific, surrounding