Analysis of SpatialTemporal Accessibility in Huizhou West Lake Scenic Spot Using Big Data for Smart City

This study aims to propose a new concept schema for implementing smart cities and big data applications by analyzing the spatial-temporal accessibility of various traffic modes. Which study area is Huizhou West Lake’s Scenic Area, and the purpose is as the basis for the government decision support. The results show that the average driving time is 25 minutes and 28 minutes in the off-peak and peak hours, and 10% and 8% of the area can reach the scenic spot within 15 minutes. There is no difference obviously between the off-peak hours and peak periods of cycling to travel. The average time is about 41 minutes, and about 30% of the area can reach the scenic spot in 30 minutes. Overall, the analysis indicates West Lake’s Scenic Area has a better regional transportation system and accessibility. Tourists can arrive at West Lake’s Scenic Area by taxi/online car from the primary transfer stations nearby in about 30 minutes. Due to the many residential, commercial, and public stations around the scenic area, citizens can have a good sense of experience when traveling by bike.

Keywords: Big Data; Spatial-Temporal Analysis; Traffic Accessibility; Inverse Distance Weight (IDW); Smart City