The Role and Function of the APPERS Community in Padang Panjang City

This study reveals social phenomena in the APPERS community (Members of Pergedel Silaing Traders) in Padang Panjang City. This community is one of the informal communities in Padang Panjang, the focus of this research is to discuss the role and function of the APPERS community towards its members. The research method used in this research is qualitative research through several stages of data analysis, namely data reduction, display data, conclusion drawing, and data verification. The role and function of the community become a unifying tool for anak jojo and a means of social solidarity in carrying out daily activities. The shared values ​​agreed upon by anak jojo are capital for them to realize the goals of the APPERS community itself.

Keywords: Community, Anak Jojo, Informal Sector