Each ethnic group has a distinctive traditional technique and method in preparing its cuisine. The techniques and methods have been preserved for generations. The usage of Malay cuisine terminologies among family members is one of the unique customs still intact and used in daily life. However, the use of food terminologies among the younger generations remains a gap that needs serious attention. Thus, this research investigates the usage of food terminologies among students majoring in a Diploma in Food Service (Halal Practice) at a higher institution. An experiment was designed whereby all lecturers were required to use Malay food terminologies on students to enhance teaching.  Malay food terminology phrases are associated with various food names such as ingredients, utensils, cooking methods, and meal preparation. These findings revealed that students majoring in Diploma in Foodservice (Halal Practice) understood food terminologies in Malay cuisine very well.  The result was satisfactory because the lecturers used Malay food terminologies repeatedly during the cookery classes and laboratory work.  This teaching culture practice helped to strengthen and improve students’ understanding and usage of Malay food terminologies besides sustaining the language culture.  Infusing the usage of Malay food terminologies through academic classes could be maintained for future generations.  Older family members should encourage and take part in home cooking with younger family members to preserve the traditional Malay cuisine culture. Additionally, this traditional culture could encourage family bonding.

Keywords: Malay food terminologies, Malay community.