Spectroscopic Determination of Percent (w/w) Ammonium Sulfate in Hydroxylamine Sulfate using Ammonia Selective Electrode

The determine of percent ammonium sulfate were determined in hydroxylamine sulfate using Ammonia Ion-Selective Electrode. The intelligent ammonia sensor integrates ammonia electrode, pH electrode, and Ammonia Ion electrode together to realize the in situ detection of ammonia. The test results have shown that the sensor is easy operation, low cost, and no pollution. The ammonia is determined potentiometrically using an ammonia ion selective electrode and a pH/mV meter, having an expanded millivolt scale. The ammonia selective electrode uses a hydrophobic gas-permeable membrane to separate the sample solution from an electrode internal solution of ammonium chloride. Dissolved ammonia is converted to NH3 gas by raising the pH to above 11.0 with a strong base. NH3 gas diffuses the membrane and changes the internal solution pH that is sensed by the electrode. In single laboratory test results have been found 0.407 NH3-N/L and 0.405 NH3-N/L, recoveries were 96.67% and 96.00%, respectively. The test results meet the FDA specifications.

Keywords: Hydroxylamine sulfate, ammonium sulfate, ammonia selective electrode