Participatory Communication and the Question of Objectivity in Development Intervention: A Study of Fadama Project IIIAF in Tsambaki Community, Kano State

Participatory communication is one of the communication approaches that has gained recognition among communication for development enthusiast. Conceived as viable for community mobilization and project execution, participatory communication remains an integral component by which successful and sustainable development is guaranteed. However, it is ironic that despite the viability of this approach, studies have documented encounters of undesirable results on account of deploying participatory communication in development interventions. It is against this backdrop that his paper highlights lack of objectivity as one of the key reasons why the deployment of participatory communication has yielded undesired results. Using Fadama Project III Additional Financing and Tsambaki as case studies, this paper, establishes the viability of participatory communication in development interventions. The paper also underscores objectivity, emphasizing its integral role in participatory communication context and contributes to the body of knowledge on some of the reasons why deploying participatory communication might leave much to be desired. To achieve this, the paper used qualitative research method hence Key Informant Interview and Focus Group Discussion were conducted and inferences were made to arrive at the study findings. The study concludes that participatory communication is a promising approach to communicating development but other variables must be taken to cognizance if successful and sustainable development through this approach is envisaged.

Keywords: Participatory Communication, Objectivity, Fadama Project IIIAF and Journalism