Study on the construction of “first responder” scheduling mechanism for emergency treatment of cardiac arrest outside hospital in public places − Take South Sichuan as an example

Objective: To understand the willingness and cognition of the public to participate in the emergency scheduling of defibrillation in public places in southern Sichuan Province, and to explore the influencing factors and practical factors of the application of the scheduling“first responder”mechanism in pre-hospital emergency of AED, so as to provide reference for the construction of the“first responder” scheduling mechanism for emergency treatment of cardiac arrest in public places. Methods: A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the permanent residents in Luzhou and Zigong in southern Sichuan through convenient sampling. Results: A total of 768 people were surveyed, of which 75.78% of the respondents expressed their willingness to be included in the scheduling database ; 481 people (82.65%) can accept telephone scheduling ; auxiliary rescue of patients with AED to the patient’s location and direct to the patient’s location was 55.5% ; lack of first aid knowledge is the main reason for unwillingness to be dispatched (80.11%) ; 82.42% of the respondents said that the scheduling library list should introduce exit mechanism. Conclusion: Middle-aged and young people who are willing to be dispatched mainly have a certain level of education ; lack of first aid knowledge may affect scheduling willingness and enthusiasm ; the public is more willing to accept simple and effective scheduling methods such as telephone and SMS ; the construction of the scheduling mechanism has a mass foundation. The public tends to focus on the government and the Red Cross, and the government-led construction conforms to the public expectations.

Keywords: Automatic external defibrillator; Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest; First responder; Scheduling mechanism; Public place