Background: Radiological Skull X-ray procedures are well-known and universally accepted diagnostic method of Skull injuries and other disease. Despite the benefit derived from these examinations, its involved adverse health effects. Patients are exposing to ionizing radiation during the procedure that might cause problem to his health status.

Objectives: The purpose of this research was to investigate and assess the effective dose and entrance skin dose received by the patients during the skull x-ray procedures performed in the two x-ray units available in health care system of Kebbi State.

Material and Method: The exposure factors [such as kV, mAs, FFD & FSD] and patient demographic data [such as age & gender] of 70 patients were collected prospectively in November, 2021 to February, 2022. The collected data was analyzed using Cal Dose _X 5.0 software for assessment of ESD & ED and Excel spread sheets for determination of statistical parameters such as Mean, Min, Max, STDEV, and Diagnostic reference levels (75th percentile).

Results: The ESD, ED and DRLs estimated in this research work were greatly high in Skull AP and LAT while least value was found in Skull PA projection. The consequences of selecting exposure parameters are significance variation in the size of radiation doses absorbed by the patient during the same radiological procedures.

Conclusion: The results obtained in this research were remarkably higher than results of other studies when compared. Therefore, efforts should be made to reduce patient radiation exposure in skull radiological x-ray procedure while securing image quality. Need to provide educational training to personnel ordering and performing radiological x-ray procedures in relevant fields is of great significance. This research serves as baseline research for future reference.

Keywords: Skull, Entrance Skin Dose, Effective dose and X-ray