Study of ameliorants on crop growth and soil physicochemical properties in relation to salinity in an inceptisol of coastal soil

We carried out an experiment in the ICAR-Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Canning Town research farm to study the effect of different ameliorants on soil physico-chemical properties and crop growth. The experiment was carried out in a split-plot design where in the ameliorants were put in the main plot and their doses in the sub-plots. Soil samples were collected from 0-15 cm depth after two year of decomposition and were processed. Rice cv. Canning 7 was grown in winter (2020-21) for studying the effect of salinity and ameliorants on its growth. Saturated moisture content, bulk density, saturated hydraulic conductivity, and organic carbon were also determined. Soil bulk density decreased with increase in amount of doses, 1.28 Mgm-3 for 12 t/ha amendments. The value was 1.45 Mgm-3 for control. The saturated hydraulic conductivities were also dependent on the treatment and doses. The hydraulic conductivity values were little higher for F.Y.M. and poultry manure treatment (4.9-5.2 cmh-1) than to green leaf manure and tank silt treatments (3.8-4.8 cmh-1) for the soil. Leaf area index and NDVI values were slightly higher in F.Y.M. and poultry manure treatments (4.3-3.9 and 0.54-0.52, respectively) which were higher than green leaf and tank silt treatments (3.2-3.7, 0.50-0.51, respectively). Similarly, rice grain and straw weights were higher for F.Y.M. and poultry manure treatments (3.4, 4.2, and 3.3, 4.6 t/ha, respectively) than other treatments.