Statistical Analysis and Homogeneity Test of Annual Rainfall Stations in the Region of Mascara (Algeria)

In actuality, it is rather simple to take advantage of the rainfall data in relation to the water balance components, or the amount of water accessible to the primary groundwater reservoirs in the area. The variations in the hydrological system components can also be explained by random variables in time and space, such as rainfall and climate. in the widest sense. Because of this, and in spite of the untrustworthy nature of the data, we are attempting, with this study, to find a reliable statistical analysis of precipitation.

As part of the annual precipitation statistical analysis, we will first concentrate on examining the homogeneity using the linear regression method, as well as by comparing with the Wilcox on data and managing its data with various laws to validate the annual precipitation’s reliability and draw conclusions.

Keywords: rainfall, analysis, smoothing, slope, Mascara, Algeria.