Alongside prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, adjudication is one of the core areas of medical activity. At the same time, it is an underestimated field. Adjudication may concern the assessment of the ability to work or perform a specific profession; obtaining permission to obtain a driving licence (establishing the absence of medical contraindications); in some countries, obtaining a weapons licence; determining the amount of damage to health as a result of an accident suffered (and thus the corresponding financial benefit from an insurance company); or establishing the right to receive sickness benefits or allowances resulting from the state of incapacity to live independently. A patient who comes to the doctor as an ill person expects his or her condition to improve and cooperates with the doctor in the diagnostic and treatment process. A petitioner who comes to a doctor to have his or her state of health assessed for the purpose of receiving financial benefits is primarily interested in receiving a ruling that will allow him or her to receive those payments. Therefore, he will not always cooperate with the doctor, which may lead him astray. For these reasons, the medical examination for adjudication purposes is different, which not all doctors and not always remember.

Keywords: medical examination, jurisprudence, health impairment.