English Teachers’ Value Education Reform in China’s Rural Junior High Schools

Poverty relief through education in China’s rural area calls for value education. Restricted by the present old-fashioned education concept of local people and low English level of students in rural junior high schools, English teachers are lack of motivation to take value education reform, and thus value education is in great sufficiency. Local education administrators should create conditions to encourage English teachers in rural middle schools to undertake value education reform, while the English teachers should increase their understanding of education, curriculum standard and professional development, in order to develop their teaching skills of value education.

Key words: educational reform; value education; rural junior high school

Funding: This research study was sponsored by 2020 Henan Provincial Project of Reform in Teacher Education Courses, the name of the project is “Construction and Practice of a Mechanism for University-Government Joint Training of English Majors as Future Teachers”, and the project number is 2020-JSJYZD-009.