The Success and Challenges Facing Gate Operation at Dares Salaam Port in Tanzania

This paper utilizes data from a study that evaluated on the Performance of Gate Operation on Cargo Loading in Tanzania using Dares Salaam Port as a case study. The study employed a descriptive research design to show clearly on how the successes and challenges facing at Dares Salaam port and to suggest the way forward in addressing those challenges which block the port performance. In the first phase, qualitative data were collected based on documentation clearance process versus to vehicle congestion at the port of Dar es Salaam, bureaucratic procedures  versus  to delay in the cargo handling process,  ICT operation on cargo handling in reducing vehicles congestion, quality port equipment on cargo handling in reducing vehicles congestion at the gate terminal, poor port infrastructure against vehicles congestion at the gate terminal and strategies for optimizing gate operations at the port. Second phase of data collection was focused on quantifying some variables on important issues discussed during focus group discussion, observation, and key informant interviews. The paper ends with giving conclusions and recommendations that; ports authority should invest in gate infrastructure modernization, staff training, and capacity building to workers should be taken into consideration by government and the implementation of streamline documentation processes should start immediately in order to increase port efficiency.

Keywords: Gate Operations, Documentation Procedures, Management Efficiency, Technological Skills, Customs and Regulatory Compliance, Port efficiency, and Cargo Loading.