Development of a Heart Beat Monitor with Radio Frequency

Heart rate is one of the most important health parameter that is directly related to human cardiovascular system. Heart rate can be described as the number of times the heart beats per minute. heart rate and blood pressure are the basic things that we do in order to keep us healthy. This paper on development of heartbeat monitor with radio frequency RF. that will replace the conventional analog sphygmomanometer mode of measurement. Heart Rate can be monitored in two ways: one way is to manually check the pulse either at wrists or neck and the other way is to use a Heartbeat Sensor. When the heart expands (diastole) the volume of blood inside the fingertip increases and when the heart contracts (systole) the volume of blood inside the fingertip decreases. The resultant pulsing of blood volume inside the fingertip is directly proportional to the heart rate and if you could somehow count the number of pulses in one minute, that’s the heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). In this paper an IR transmitter/receiver pair (LED) placed in close contact with the fingertip. When the heart beats, the volume of blood cells under the sensor increases and this reflects more IR waves to sensor and when there is no beat the intensity of the reflected beam decreases. The pulsating reflection is converted to a suitable current or voltage pulse by the sensor. The sensor output is processed by suitable electronic circuits (Microcontroller) to obtain a visible indication. Heart rate is utilized by medical professionals to diagnose and track medical conditions of a person.

KEYWORDS: Infra-red IR, microcontroller, real-time, heart rate monitoring.