Development of Minangkabau Traditional Music Arts, West Sumatra

The role of artists or musicians cannot be separated from the development of art. However, this responsibility does not only fall on artists; it also falls on a variety of participants in art or members of society who are involved in art, as evidenced by the art infrastructure. According to Moleong (2002, p. 12), qualitative research is characterized by the production of descriptive data—primarily in the form of people’s words and actions and observed behavior as the primary data—as well as additional data derived from literature studies. The purpose of this study, which employs descriptive analysis, is to provide an overview of the development of traditional Minangkabau music in West Sumatra. The purpose of this study was to find out who and what contributed to the development of traditional Minangkabau music in West Sumatra. According to the findings of this study, creative artists are responsible for the development of traditional music with the intention of bringing traditional music into the mainstream of society’s appreciation. Based on their formal education and talent, academic artists typically choose to develop traditional music into new forms of musical composition (creation). In contrast, other artists and non-academics grow through experience.

Keywords: Minangkabau, Traditional Music, Society, Arts, West Sumatra,