The Virtues and Institutions Needed for Peacemaking

Religious NGOs’ Peace building and Moral Crisis

In the process of world peacebuilding, religious peacebuilding has shifted from the periphery to the center of conflict resolution. People have shifted from viewing religion as the driver and trigger of conflict to seeing it as the cure for conflict resolution, and more and more countries and organizations see the important role of religion in achieving world peace. Religious NGOs have now become the backbone of religious peacebuilding and are playing an important role in the international peacebuilding arena. Religious NGOs such as the World Conference of Religions for Peace, World Vision, Ploughshares, and the United Religions Initiative have carried out a variety of peace-building projects around the world, in various fields such as economics and education, and with great success. However, religious NGOs themselves have a variety of shortcomings, especially in recent years when various ethical crises have emerged, which seriously affect the long-term development of religious NGOs and severely limit the role they can play in world peacebuilding. It is urgent to analyze the causes of the moral crises within religious NGOs and propose corresponding countermeasures and recommendations.

Keywords: Religious NGOs; Religious Beliefs; Peacebuilding; Moral Crisis

Funding: The Ontology and Annotation of the Spirit of Lei Feng in the Context of Consolidating the Sense of Community for the Chinese Nation[GTTZX2022005]